Visiting Disney World in Summer: A Survival Guide
If you’re visiting Disney World in summer, anytime from late May through August, then you’re bound to run into some serious heat. Through summer, temperatures in Central Florida average in the low 90’s; an average humidity of around 60% means it can feel upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit! But let’s face it: Florida is synonymous with summer, the kids are out of school and the parks are open late, so there is no better time to visit. You can have an awesome time and beat the heat by following a few solid pieces of advice from local experts.
Dress appropriately.
This is not the time for black clothing, grey clothing, or really any kind of clothing approaching a dark color. That coupled with a heavy backpack is a quick recipe for an early end to your day due to heat exhaustion. Visiting Disney World in summer requires that you dress light, yellows and whites, with comfortable, moisture-wicking fabrics. Exercise t-shirts usually do the trick.
Hats and sunglasses are also a must if you don’t want to spend the entire day seeing the sights through squinty eyes. Of course, this goes without saying, but wear shorts, and although flip flops might seem like the obvious choice in Florida, these are a no-no. Not only can you end up with a wicked sunburn on the tops of your feet, but walking around in thin rubber flip-flops all day will leave you with tired feet and aching heels. Choose a comfortable, supportive pair of sneakers to keep you feeling spry throughout the day.
Duh, right? Well, you’d be surprised how many people forget to apply it when they’re visiting Disney World in summer and caught up in the excitement of a day at the most famous theme park on earth. Forgetting the sunscreen at home can also mean you’ll have to cough up an arm and a leg at the parks for a tiny tube of sunblock, so there’s your extra motivation!
Stay hydrated.
All the walking you’ll be doing coupled with the intense heat you’ll encounter when visiting Disney World in summer means one thing for sure: you’re going to SWEAT. And that’s ok. It’s par for the course when you’re on a summer vacation in Florida. But if you want to do enjoy your vacation to the fullest, you’ve got to stay hydrated. Our recommendation is to bring a wide-mouthed water bottle which you can fill up for free at any number of water fountains or eating establishments throughout the park.
Leave the park. (Yes, we’re serious).
“But that’s the whole reason we came to Orlando! Why would we leave???” Valid point. But, regardless of how you’re touring the parks, when you’re visiting Disney World in summer you should consider taking a midday break. Many vacation homes are just a few minutes’ drive from the park, so it’s not like it’s a long trek, and you can schedule your break during the hottest time of day to beat the heat. Spend a few hours back at the house, take a siesta or a dip in the pool, make some lunch and enjoy the sweet, sweet air conditioning. If you’re here for a week or so, you might even want to skip the parks altogether one day, and just lounge poolside. You’ll wake up more refreshed and ready to tackle your next adventure.
Stop by the “cooler” attractions.
Every attraction at Walt Disney World is cool. It’s Disney! But we’re not talking about the “totally cool dude,” kind of cool. We’re talking lower temperatures, which can go a long way in recharging tired moms, dads and kids during a hot day at Disney. There are plenty of indoor attractions in the Magic Kingdom, like Philharmagic, the Haunted Mansion and even the Hall of Presidents.
Never, ever forget your poncho.
Visiting Disney World in summer almost always means you’ll run into some rain Typically, these storms happen in the afternoon and although they are impressive, with plenty of thunder and lightning, and can often deliver several inches of rain in a short period of time, they also don’t tend to stick around. Another tip—lots of people will leave the parks once the rain starts, but odds are usually good that rain will clear up in 20 minutes or less. Use the rainy interlude to shop, eat a snack, or experience an indoor attraction. You may just find a much more empty park to enjoy when the sun comes back out.